Monday, March 30, 2009


I took some pics of the kids today. It was in an attempt to see if I wanted to take them to a studio. After all of Taylor's cheesiness and fake smiles and Grady totally not wanting in the pics, I've decided "at home" pics are good enough for now! :)

Here's one collage of my favorites.

Here's the same favorites for the most part, just a different arrangement.
Here was our evening (this is most evenings around here). Taylor wanting to jump and spin and throw things, Grady watching, and then Grady wrestling Taylor.
Please, be sure to pray for STELLAN. See his button over on the right to visit his page.


Lori said...

great pictures... I like picture of kids just being kids a lot better than formal ones anyday

Michelle said...

I really love the sepia one!

Alicia W. said...

I think pictures done from home are the BEST! Love how it captures "in the moment". Great shots!